Saturday, August 31, 2019

Health Benefits of Seaweed Essay

Food is an important component of health because the body can receive more nutrients from it such as vegetables, fruits or seafood. In regards to seafood, we cannot forget to mention seaweed. The issue of health benefits of seaweed has grown in importance. In addition, scientist has proven that seaweed has the widest range of minerals. It is not only a good source of nutrients can prevent some diseases but also giving individual and natural beauty. Seaweed has many different types and colors and each type of seaweed has a unique nutrient composition. A study has confirmed that seaweed inherently benefits for health; it has many minerals which are available in the food people eat such as iron, calcium, B-vitamin or magnesium†¦ that can against lots of diseases. For example, seaweed is very high in lignans, which help the body prevent the chemical oestrogens that can cause breast cancer in woman. Additionally, magnesium has been shown that can reduce heart attack for people who has a high blood pressure. Moreover, seaweed is a rich source of fiber molecule align that can prevent constipation from our body. About B-vitamin folic acid, it reduces colon cancer. Or the folic acid, it has a role in protecting others important like prevent certain birth defects; including spina bifida and the chemical Homocysteine – cardiovascular disease and stroke†¦ Not only that, seaweed can cure stressful in humans with magnesium, pantothenic acid and riboflavin. Three of them are necessary for energy production. Seaweed is also a woman’s friend because it’s high in nutrients, low in calories that help them manage their weight in diet. Like McAdams said that seaweed is a food free weight because it’s virtually fat free, it just provide only 5 to 20 calories in a meal (Health benefits), so they don’t have to worry about weight gain and control body fat. In other hand to food supply, seaweed has vitamin which benefits for natural beauty. It improves the viscosity and elasticity of your skin. Besides that, it reacts with protein to form a gel that moisturizes skin and precludes wrinkles. Wrinkles are the enemy of women so they try to find the best solution to have smoother, more youthful skin in just 30 days. For your hair, seaweed has the effect of making your hair smoother, softer and lighter. The black-brown seaweed is called Arame, nourishes the scalp and hair follicles and makes your hair look healthier. So lots of companies have been producing many new products that made from seaweed. Basically, seaweed health benefits are undeniable. Seaweed is easy to make with food and it’s very popular for Asian, specially Japan and Korean. Overall, seaweeds are highly nutritious, like a book â€Å"Seaweed Beauty Guide† said: â€Å"It is a nature’s secret to balancing your metabolism, fighting disease, revitalizing body and mind. † (Cooksley 83) The findings of this research have shown that the benefits of seaweed are countless, that’s a reason why everyone should eat. The numbers of people in Europe, who discover and use seaweed, are recently increasing. Seaweed would be a â€Å"secret key† for a long and healthy life and your family.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Power of Communication Essay

Communication is the basic human need to share meanings and express ideas and thoughts and that can be achieved by the exchange of information between the society members. The process of communication is defined by the technology available, culture and protocols of communication. Political scientists are interested in political communication through studying the interaction communication between the political system and the political process generally and they confirmed the importance of the fundamental relationship between them, they called for re-examination and analysis of political science based on communication theories. Politics is difficult to be found without communication because there must be a link between the public and the ruling elite (decision makers), and this applies to the political system too. Citizens must be able to communicate their wishes and demands to the government, and the government should be able to communicate its decisions to citizens and justify them to win their satisfaction. Political parties and politicians needs huge public support, Where it can be said that political communication is the most important means of communication that must be followed by a party in order to gain such support. It is well known that the objective of any party is to access power or participate in it and this cannot be reached without large public support. This political communication can take various forms depends on the technology available such as press, radio, television and digital networked media. The political communication is the proper way of any party members to open dialogue with the masses of the people for establish the doctrine of their party to them, and gain popular support for the policy and programs of the party, where they listen to note of the public towards some situations and impressions towards it, and the members of the party again, during their partisan meetings to discuss the various social and economic problems in the community, and that need solutions, ranging proposals of different party members to fixing these problems through the hierarchical organization of the party until it reaches the level of leadership and integrate in the various party programs. thereby ensuring this party kind of interaction with he public surrounding it, so that lead the response to the wishes and requirements of the public in the general policy of the party, to achieve a great deal of compatibility between the party and street folk, and this goes back to the party with a grea t benefit in elections times, When the public find the investigator to them ambitions and expectations, and This causes at normal conditions for arrival (the party with compatibility larger with the popular will) to rule the country. Communication was and will continue to be the most important activity in human life through interacts with others to express ideas, needs and feelings and dreams, and has expressed their personality, culture and freedom and the idea of an activity that can be embodied the meaning of human dignity and values. So this make this activity one of the most activities accountable of various standards, pressures and the laws that are on the whole a fundamental question about the nature of the relationship between the media and the ethics and other aspects of human life. Communication science benefited and interact with all the of Sciences and knowledge, humanitarian, technical data and the science explain to us at this time to what affect the means of mass communication in the minds of the people and what is the size of this effect and how it is affecting. No one can deny the importance of these theories of communication that formed the communication science which had experimented in communities that adopted and tried to apply. The communication tools play an important role in political life, whether internal or the outside, not only political professionals are attach importance to their communication strategy, but governed also gaining most of their information through the communication tools. The means of mass communication possesses the characteristics and capabilities of multiple distinct from those when its counterparts from groups or opinion leaders, are in any case means mass communication addresses the daily huge cross sections of the population with one voice. The means of communication and media are necessary and important to make effectively communication links and interactions are always open between the ruler and the governed. Definitely, mass communication has evolved technically accompanied by the technological development happened to human societies in all fields, in ancient societies (Greek and Roman society), political community was limited and number of citizens who can be covered by ruling messages was known, so it was direct speeches and forums in public places established in open air r in the theaters of the city that was one of the most forms of political communication, so it was politicians highly dependent on rhetoric and the ability to inference to convince they governed, This free space for debate and political communication that helped to create direct democracy known as the Athenian democracy, But with the development of human societies and the expansion of political activity field appearance regimes of modern political became not possible to rely solely on speeches and seminars, which includes a limited number of citizens, but became necessary to find a communication to spread and includes a wide segment of the public. (Karl W. Deutsch, 2006) Literature Review: Denis McQuail, 2010 â€Å"Seen these arguments written, visual and audio as a tool of direct democracy, and as a court of public opinion open day and night put the law for everything all the time, not a substitute for institutions, but such ray of light detector that keeps moving here and there, revealing always talking about the depths of darkness† Jacques Gerstle, 2004 â€Å"One of the basic properties of the twentieth century is the communication tools revolution, and the appearance the community of communication. We saw the appearance of new techniques for political communication, these techniques that contributed in dissemination and sharing the information, ideas and communities in conditions limited time and across a wide geographical. † Since the advent of printing, which contributed historically in the advancement of the theory and practice of democracy through journalism written is the court of public opinion, as well as with the emergence of radio, which was the most important means of communication used in the second world war propaganda by politicians, through well television, which affects more than other means of mass communication. Various categories divergent public and geographically, does not follow some of the obstacles faced by other means such as the written press such as distribution problems and an individual’s ability to read all the way to satellites to broadcast dimensional networks of electronic communication global movement of information and ideas and comply with the limits of regional and geographical, with the development of all these means and which was called some people name new technologies for information and communication find that the process of political communication has evolved is also no longer this process takes place using the means of communication like a traditional speech, for example. Gabriel A. Almond, 2004 â€Å"That everything in politics is communication, system of communication is one of the main channels for the flow of information from the elite to the masses and also to transfer the problems of the masses and their aspirations and their perceptions to the elite. † Robert Wiener, David Jerison, I. Isadore Manuel Singer, Daniel W.  Strook, 1997 â€Å"If we realized politics is system so communication system is the nerve that controls the system, and the system’s ability to exercise command and control linked to its ability to deal with the information, so that communication and control are two synonymous of same meaning, every time we call we also control. † Karl W. Deutsch, William J. Foltz, 2010 â€Å"The nerves of government political Communication and Control† â€Å"is proposed similar political regime system Cyber zonular, describes the relationship between the political system and its surroundings under shape or environment Cyber zonular, which imagined that communication as a system of decisions based on the flood of diverse information, and is communication and media the most important issues in political science, and confirms it is wrong to neglecting or underestimation the role of other changes. † Dr.  Schwatzenberg, 1990 â€Å"Political communication is the path that moves the political information one part to another parts of the political regime and between this system and the social system, it is path continuously to exchange of information between individuals and groups at all levels, It is especially the exchange of information between rulers and ruled that will ensure the agreement between them, each governor seeks to accepting his decisions, and all governed trying to structured and their needs are taken in the consideration, and compatibility and harmonization be realized only through the communication and through exchange. † Harold Dwight Lasswell, Peter de Leon, 2009 â€Å"Political community like the pyramid, where rulers are elite at the top of the pyramid and the masses of people at the base, and between them there experts and specialists in the middle between the top and the base, and being communication processes on the basis that each nation have political ystem specific consists of elite, They are responsible for the decision and supervision on the state’s economic resources and human resources, to achieve the goals and programs of the State, the ruling elite and using tools of communication specialized experts believing they are the ones those can be in the process of communication between the elite and controlled groups, and staff working in this area have their role in attracting public attention to social issues. † Alvin Toffler, 1984 â€Å"That there is a relationship substantially between communication process and the political process, if the world of politics is based on power, the desires of those who have power must be transmitted to the expect they will respond to it, and if the world of politics is based on the legitimacy of the highest authority, the matter requires a means by which based the symbolic expression of values and procedural standards for such systems, and if the world of politics based on participation, this means finding channels transporting the interests and demands of the citizens to decision makers. † Kenneth E. Boulding. 989 â€Å"The political process, such as the decision-making process, it is also a test of the roles of power in society, and in response to the images Stereotypes formed by political means of communication in society, The means of communication change of images Stereotypes of individuals, and political behavior based on images Stereotypes. † Theories and Models of Communication (Difference Job Title and convergence of concept and function) Studies in Communication Sciences provided us science of communication in the framework is not clear in terms of mixing in some of the concepts and nomenclature may be the reason in that transfers of these sciences at the hands of a Type is not specialized and qualified in the field of media and communication. So still confusion exists between science communication and science media and between theories and models in communication process but after multiple studies in the field of media, communication and development study of media and communications at universities and institutes in the third world and after a significant increase in who have advanced degrees in media from Western universities appeared a new generation of communication scholars provided us this real science in its context where they ruled for differentiating between the media and science communication and science and have sacrificed the relationship between them, and provided us both models and theories on the units and they ruled for differentiating among them.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Spy Among Us Essay Research Paper

A Spy Among Us Essay, Research Paper In 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of go throughing information to the Union of Soviet Socialist Democracies ( USSR ) refering the building of atomic arms. In 1953, the United States Government executed them. Some say, the Rosenbergs received their merely penalty. Many historiographers feel that the test was unjust, and that international claims for mildness were wrongly ignored. These historiographers claim that the Rosenbergs were assassinated by the US authorities. This study will be an analysis of the test, the events which led up to it, and its wake. What Led to the Arrest? The first hint America had that a Russian undercover agent pealing existed in the US was the find of a KGB codebook on the Finnish battleground during World War II. When compared with Germany # 8217 ; s machine-scrambled codifications, the codification appeared to be comparatively crude ; a certain set of Numberss corresponded to a word, missive, or indispensable phrase. There was a small gimmick though ; the codebook was to be read with a matching page that every KGB officer was given. Because the American cyphers did non hold the matching page, there were an infinite figure of possibilities that could hold corresponded to the book, doing decoding it impossible. ( Milton 7 ) Klaus Fuchs In 1944, the FBI raided the New York offices of the Soviet Government Purchasing Commission, a known forepart for the KGB industrial espionage operations. When the FBI began to travel through what they had taken, they found that many KGB officers did non adhere to their orders diligently. They were told to dispose of all their# 8220 ; matching sheets. # 8221 ; Many memos and other letters were heedlessly stored off, alternatively of being destroyed after their usage. After much perusal of all the confiscated letters of the KGB, including the new sheets, the cyphers were now able to clarify some of the codebook they had found before. In 1949, a study by Klaus Fuchs was deciphered. This was America # 8217 ; s first solid grounds that there was a spy ring operating within the US. boundary lines. The American governments had some uncertainties, nevertheless. It was possible that Fuchs was non a undercover agent and somehow the KGB had obtained his study. After much probe, the FBI arrested Fuchs. Along with other grounds, a missive deciphered by the FBI had a mention to a British atomic undercover agent, whose sister was go toing an American University. Fuchs sister, Kristel, had been a pupil at Swarthmore College at that clip. The FBI appointed James Skardon to confront Fuchs. Skardon was a celebrated spy-catcher, who had obtained confessions from many, including the treasonist William Joyce. On December 21 1949, Skardon went to speak with Fuchs in his research lab at the Harwell Atomic Research Establishment. To Skardon # 8217 ; s surprise, Fuchs was eager to speak. Apparently, Fuchs wanted to speak because he was really disquieted with the Soviet Union # 8217 ; s postwar policy in Eastern Europe. He did non state everything, but it was a start. After many meetings, Skardon was able to acquire Fuchs to unwrap even more. Fuchs thought that if he owned up to his yesteryear, it would be forgotten, or at least forgiven. He was incorrect. Fuchs said, # 8220 ; At first I thought that all I would make was inform the Russian governments that work on the atomic bomb was traveling on? I did what I consider the worst that I could hold done, viz. to give information about the rule of the design of the Pu bomb. # 8221 ; The FBI subsequently found out from Fuchs that his contact was # 8220 ; Raymond. # 8221 ; They had merely met a smattering of times and Fuchs did non cognize much about him. On March 1, 1950, Fuchs was put on test. After a test that lasted merely an hr and a half, he was convicted of four histories of espionage and sentenced to 14 old ages in gaol. The ground he was non killed was that he gave secrets to an ally. If he had given the same information to an enemy, he would hold been condemned to decease. ( This contrasts with the current US intervention of Jonathan Pollard # 8211 ; another undercover agent on behalf of a US ally, Israel. ) The FBI now had the first nexus in the concatenation ; the following measure was happening Raymond. ( Eisenhower 223 ) Fuchs, in 1945, had been transferred to the theoretical division of the chief Manhattan Undertaking installing at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Fuchs so left, without stating his Soviet control that he was go forthing. After Fuchs missed two meetings, Raymond grew really troubled, so he went to his Soviet head, Anatoli Yakovlev, at the Soviet consulate staff in New York. Yakovlev went through Fuchs # 8217 ; portfolio and found his sister # 8217 ; s reference. He so told Raymond to travel visit Fuchs sister, Kristal, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Raymond moving as an old friend of Fuchs inquired as to his well being. Upon her stating him that he had moved # 8220 ; someplace down south, # 8221 ; he left his telephone figure. When Fuchs came place for a holiday with his sister, she called Raymond. Raymond instantly resumed their secret meetings. When the FBI was seeking for # 8220 ; Raymond # 8221 ; , they asked Fuchs and Kristal for descriptions. The FBI, with their two descriptions from the Fuchs, researched into their ain files and produced a suspect: Joseph Arnold Robbins, a leftist chemical applied scientist who graduated from CCNY in 1941. After a background hunt on him, the FBI rejected him as a informant. After more intense probe, two other suspects were suggested, Abraham Brothmon and Harry Gold. The FBI thought Gold was a stronger suspect for multiple grounds, so, on May 9, Hoover ordered a manhunt to happen Gold. On May 23 1950, Gold was arrested in Philadelphia. The importance the FBI attached to the gaining control of Fuch # 8217 ; s confederate was indicated by J. Edgar Hoover, # 8220 ; In all the history of the FBI there neer was a more of import job than this one, neer another instance where we felt under such force per unit area. The unknown adult male merely had to be found. # 8221 ; The force per unit area that Hoover was mentioning to is unknown, but months merely prior to Gold # 8217 ; s arrest the FBI was criticized for allegedly botching probes in the Redin, Amerasia, Eisler, and Coplon instances. ( Milton 38 ) Harry Gold In 1915, Tom Black, an old friend, offered Gold a occupation in the Manufacturing Company in New Jersey. Gold instantly took the occupation. After working at that place for a small piece, Black began to take Gold to Communist meetings. Gradually, Gold became a committed Soviet and when Black asked him ( in 1935 ) to assist the Soviets and give them some information, Gold thirstily agreed. Although, Gold was non pro-Communist, he was pro-Soviet. The ground Gold liked the Soviets so much was because he thought they were benevolent towards the Hebrews. Sam Semenov, Gold # 8217 ; s Soviet contact, suggested that he do his ain contacts that had entree to more information than he did. After working for the Soviets for eight old ages, Semenov told Gold to interrupt all ties with his former contacts. Gold was given new contacts, # 8220 ; a group of American scientists in New York. # 8221 ; This was considered a publicity, for Gold was assigned a contact who had entree to a batch more information. This new individual was Klaus Fuchs. After four old ages of working with Fuchs, Gold stopped working for the Soviets and began to take a normal life, cutting all ties he had with his contacts and the Soviets. A twosome of months subsequently, one of Gold # 8217 ; s contacts, Abraham Brothmon called Gold franticly stating the FBI questioned him and they were onto them. Days subsequently, the FBI interrogated Gold. At first, Gold claimed the same narrative as Brothmon, but after highly long questions Gold was worn down, and by chance slipped, and the FBI began to catch the incompatibilities in Gold # 8217 ; s narrative. The following hebdomad, they searched his house. In the center of the hunt, Gold admitted to being the adult male to whom Klaus Fuchs passed the information on atomic energy. Despite Gold # 8217 ; s efforts, after an wash uping hebdomad of question, Gold slipped and mentioned old contact # 8217 ; s and friend # 8217 ; s names, including his friend Tom Black and David Greenglass. ( Allen 41 ) David A ; Ethel Greenglass David Greenglass was an American solider assigned as a technician at Los Alamos. For $ 500 he gave Gold studies of the system used to concentrate high explosive force per unit area moving ridges that drove together packages of U and produced the concatenation the concatenation reaction of atomic fission-the detonation of the atomic bomb. David Greenglass # 8217 ; sister was Ethel Greenglass, subsequently to be Ethel Rosenberg. The Greenglass # 8217 ; s grew up in New York # 8217 ; s Lower East Side, in a little cramped flat. Ethel was superb. She graduated at age 15 from Seward Park High School. Even in the hapless economic system of that period, when there was an utmost demand for occupations, she was able to happen work within a month of having her sheepskin, at age 15. She was fired four old ages subsequently when she organized a work stoppage of 150 adult females who put down in the street barricading all the company # 8217 ; s bringing trucks. Ethel so filed a ailment with the National Labor Relations Board, which she won. She succeeded at happening a better occupation, for twice the wage of her old 1. Ethel was known as a # 8220 ; go-getter # 8221 ; ; she did non halt until she was satisfied. With some preparation, Ethel started to sing in choirs and act in dramas in the eventides. One eventide, before Ethel went on phase, she met the one and merely love of her life, Julius Rosenberg. ( Milton 50 ) Julius Rosenberg Julius # 8217 ; background was similar to Ehtel # 8217 ; s ; he grew up on New York # 8217 ; s East Side. He went to the same schools as Ethel, Talmud Torah for in-between school, and Seward Park for high school. Julius neer had to worry about money, and his father wanted him to foster his spiritual propensities and go a rabbi. In Julius # 8217 ; senior twelvemonth, he grew more interested in political relations and less interested in faith. After Julius graduated from Seward, he went to the City College of New York, where he majored in electrical technology. This major was favored by politically cognizant pupils because it entitled them to rank in the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists and Technicians ( FAECT ) , a activist brotherhood for white collar professionals with a pro-Communist leading. Julius shortly became a member in the Steinmentz Club, a subdivision of the Young Communist League, or YCL. Soon Julius became so involved in political relations that his graduation was in hazard. At this clip, Julius and Ethel were going really serious about each other and Ethel made Julius come over to her house to survey so that he would finally have his sheepskin. Because Julius spent so much clip in Ethel # 8217 ; s house, David ( Ethel # 8217 ; s brother ) became really friendly with Julius. Julius kindled David # 8217 ; s involvement in political relations, converting him to fall in the YCL. ( Allen 45 ) Julius and Ethel were married in 1939. After fighting for a few old ages with no significant occupation, Julius was hired as a civilian employee of the U.S. Army Signal Corps in the autumn of 1942. In 1942, David married Ruth Printz. In 1943, the Greenglasses joined the YCL, and the Rosenbergs were full members of the Communist Party. Julius was president of Branch 16B of the Party Industrial Division and frequently held meetings in his house. Party members were promoting everybody to make everything they could to back up the wartime attempt. When David was admitted to the American ground forces, he looked frontward to assisting the Communist cause in any manner he could. Julius, nevertheless, was physically unfit for the ground forces, so he looked for other ways to assist his party. ( Milton 70 ) Harmonizing to Ruth Greenglass # 8217 ; testimony, Julius and Ethel dropped out of the Communist party in 1943 to take their ain # 8220 ; inaugural # 8221 ; in assisting their party. She claims that Julius told her that he began to organize contacts to assist him come in a new sort of activity. David subsequently claimed that Julius approached him about the topic of espionage. Even without David Greenglass # 8217 ; testimony, one can understand why the Rosenbergs dropped out of the party. Ethel had her first kid in early 1943, and Julius was working for the authorities, so he was afraid he would lose his occupation if his Communist associations were discovered. ( Eisenhower 224 ) In the beginning of 1945, Julius was dismissed from his occupation. Sometime before this, the FBI had sent to the U.S. Army Intelligence a transcript of a Communist Party rank card demoing that in 1939, Julius had been involved in the Party. The Army felt this was non sufficient grounds to disregard Julius because there was no ground for them to presume it was the same Julius Rosenberg who was their Signal Corps employee. In the autumn of 1944, the FBI sent the Army more information on Rosenberg, including his reference. This clip the grounds sufficed and Julius was dismissed. ( Milton 83 ) On July 17, 1950, David told the FBI that Julius was speaking freely about his # 8220 ; secret work # 8221 ; in order to do David more comfy assisting him. Julius confided in David that the first move he made in espionage was while he was working as a signal corps inspector. Julius told David that he knew that Soviet wirelesss and electronics were floundering ( Dav Idaho realized that Julius was speaking about their radio detection and ranging engineering ) and had tried to assist the Soviets by picking up transcripts of tubing manuals. David said that Julius bragged to him many times about the web of contacts he had built in Cleveland, Ohio, and upstate New York, and about information about certain top secret arms. ( Milton 84 ) On July 16, 1950, two uniformed constabularies officers, William Norton and John Harrington, came to Julius # 8217 ; flat and took him down for oppugning. Julius remained really unagitated while being interrogated but refused to let his flat to be checked without a warrant. When Julius was taken to the base, Harrington asked him,# 8220 ; What would you state if we told you that your brother-in-law said you asked him to provide information to the Russians? # 8221 ; Julius responded aggressively, # 8220 ; Bring him here, and I will name him a prevaricator to his face. # 8221 ; ( Sharlitt 3 ) Soon after being taken to the station, Julius asked to name his attorney. When Victor Rabinowitz answered the telephone, his first inquiry was, was he under apprehension. When they told Julius that he had non been arrested, he instantly stood up and walked out of the station. When Julius left the station, he saw the newspapers shouting that Greenglass had been arrested that twenty-four hours and was being held on $ 100,000 bond. From the station, Julius went directly to Rabinowitz. Rosenberg wanted the FAECT advocate to stand for him, but because Rabinowitz had late defended the alleged undercover agent Judith Coplon, he felt his engagement would be detrimental for Rosenberg # 8217 ; s instance, so he gave Rosenberg another attorney, Emanuel Hirsch Bloch. Bloch was a really high attorney ; he was a member in National Lawyer # 8217 ; s Guild and the Civil Rights Congress. He served on the defence squad of Willie McGee and was besides functioning as one of the three CRC lawyers assigned to the instance of the Trenton Six. Bloch was besides good known for his representation of Steve Nelson, a leader of the Communist Party in Pittsburgh. The existent ground though, that Rabinowitz appointed Bloch, was that Bloch was a good friend of O. John Rogge and shared an office edifice with him. Rogge was Greenglass # 8217 ; lawyer and Rabinowitz wanted to remain good informed of Greenglass # 8217 ; state of affairs, and if possible, prevent him from going a authorities informant. ( Sharlitt 6 ) The first clip Bloch met Rosenberg he thought this would be a simple unfastened and unopen instance. He thought that if Rosenberg would react to all inquiries with the Fifth Amendment, so the prosecution # 8217 ; s instance would go a batch weaker. He missed some obvious intimations though, that would hold led him to believe otherwise. For illustration, Greenglass was nicknamed by the media as the# 8220 ; atom-spy. # 8221 ; ( Sharlitt 6 ) After being released, Julius continued his normal modus operandi while the FBI conducted what they call a # 8220 ; discreet surveillance. # 8221 ; Agents Norton and Harrington were for good assigned to Rosenberg # 8217 ; s instance. Without David Greenglass spread outing on his accusals from June 15-16, they could non warrant collaring him. There are different theories as to why Julius did non prehend the opportunity to fly the FBI. One theory is that he did non believe that David would interrupt down so far as to reference even his ain household. Another theory is that it would hold taken hebdomads to alarm some of his contacts without taking the FBI to them. ( Meerpool 37 ) On July 12, Greenglass, with the goad of his attorneies, had his 2nd extradition hearing. This led the media to believe that Greenglass was tilting towards pleading guilty. Harmonizing to Ruth, David # 8217 ; s married woman, Ethel visited her to happen out what David # 8217 ; s programs were and if he was traveling to indict her hubby, Julius. ( Meerpool 42 ) The FBI, after Greenglass made his statements, went to James McInerney of the Justice Department, who agreed there was now plenty grounds to bear down Julius Rosenberg with confederacy to commit espionage. When Richard Whelan, helper particular agent in charge of the New York office, heard McInerney # 8217 ; s opinion, he sent Norton to register a ailment before federal justice John F. X. McGohey. Immediately after J. Edgar Hoover heard that Whelan tried to detain the apprehension, he grew infuriated. He suspected the ground for the hold was in order to tip off the imperativeness so that the narrative would be covered in the following twenty-four hours # 8217 ; s documents. Hoover feared that when the imperativeness found out, Rosenberg might be tipped-off and flee at the last 2nd. ( Milton 92 ) On Tuesday, July 17, 1950, when Rosenberg was arrested, it was in full position of his appalled household ; his two boies standing agape, watching their male parent dragged out by two officers. Julius and Ethel until the acrimonious terminal maintained their artlessness. They neer pleaded guilty nor even considered it. The FBI, after seeking Julius # 8217 ; house, had grounds that the espionage pealing that Greenglass talked about was true. In order to force Rosenberg to unwrap names of other undercover agents, Hoover suggetsed that Ethel be arrested, and be used as purchase to coerce Julius to speak. ( Mitlon 93 ) Ethel Rosenberg On August 11, Ethel Rosenberg was arrested and bond was set at $ 100,000-the same immense sum as her hubby. Ethel # 8217 ; s attorney was Bloch # 8217 ; s male parent, Alexander Bloch. The ground for this was that when she was arrested, Manny Bloch was non in the office, but his male parent was, so he rushed down to the station to assist Ethel and so subsequently took her instance. The Rosenberg kids were sent to Tessie Greenglass, who really shortly complained to the tribunal she could non command them and more significantly, could non afford them. The tribunal sent them to the Hebrew Children # 8217 ; s Home in the Bronx. Most believe that the FBI arrested Ethel in order to force her hubby into squealing. Others disagree and state that Greenglass # 8217 ; accusals proved true, and it is possible that Ethel was a full spouse in her hubby # 8217 ; s behaviors and she was arrested strictly on her misbehaviors. ( Sharlitt 42 ) The Test On March 6, 1951, Ethel and Julius Rosenberg # 8217 ; s test began. Their instance attracted so much attending because this was the most publicised undercover agent Hunt of all clip. Another ground this instance received so much attending was that it contained all the elements of a high play test. The instance had a household feud already familiar to the populace, because the Judaic Daily Forward had published a series of articles on the Greenglasses. The test besides involved suspects who steadfastly claimed their artlessness, and the possibility of high atomic scientists attesting. ( Milton 98 ) United states Attorney Irving Saypool was prosecuting the instance. Saypool had made a really good repute for himself when he prosecuted Communists, including Alger Hiss and the eleven Smith Act suspects. From the oncoming of the test, Saypool treated the suspects without the accustomed tribunal properness. Irving R. Kaufman, the justice, chose the jurymans himself in a twenty-four hours and a half. Kaufman read a list of many parties, organisations, and nines and anybody affiliated with any of them were excused. Then they were asked if they were opposed to the decease punishment, the usage of atomic-weapons in war, or felt that any information refering the development of atomic energy should be revealed to any Russian orbiter state. If they were, they were excused. ( Burkholz 73 ) In Saypool # 8217 ; s gap words, he stated, # 8220 ; The trueness and the commitment of the Rosenbergs were non to the state but to Communism, Communism in this state and throughout the world. # 8221 ; Emanuel Bloch instantly objected that Saypool # 8217 ; s allusion to communism was irrelevant because communism was non on test. Kaufman said that communism would be allowed in the test because it established motor. Saypool besides said that they convinced David Greenglass to go a treasonist to his state, # 8220 ; a modern Benedict Arnorld. # 8221 ; After Saypool # 8217 ; s really powerful gap statement, the populace began to speak about capital penalty. ( Burkholz 75 ) It is about impossible to convict person of lese majesty. It was such a serious offense that the criterions of cogent evidence are really rigorous. On the other manus, it is easy to acquire a strong belief for confederacy ; it is even sometimes umpire to as the # 8220 ; prosecuting officer # 8217 ; s friend. # 8221 ; Hearsay testimony is admissible in test, and one time the being of confederacy is established every plotter may be held apt for the Acts of the Apostless of the others, even if he does non hold any cognition of them. In add-on, in order to be convicted, merely the confederacy had to be proven. ( Meerpool 176 ) The prosecution brought several really damaging informants against the defence: Julius Rosenberg # 8217 ; s brother-in-law, David Greenglass, and his married woman Ruth Printz Greenglass. Greenglass testified that he passed to his sister and brother-in-law studies of the implosion lens, a critical constituent of the Pu bomb. David Greenglass # 8217 ; s narrative was corroborated by his married woman and another undercover agent, Harry Gold. Gold testified that he received information from David Greenglass, and that he passed them on to the Rosenbergs. These testimonies showed clearly that there was a program to descry and to go through secrets. ( Milton 103 ) Soap Elicher testified about a 2nd undercover agent pealing which Julius Rosenberg headed. The 2nd ring was formed to unwrap to the Soviets naval secrets refering to communications instruments. He testified that Julius Rosenberg recruited him to descry. Cipher knew about the two confederacies except for Rosenberg ; he was the lone connexion between the two. Although Elicher did non state what information he gave to Rosenberg, it connected Julius Rosenberg to two spy rings. None of Elicher # 8217 ; s testimony was refuted except by Rosenberg # 8217 ; s denials. ( Milton 104 ) After a 14 twenty-four hours test, there was no grounds turn outing the Rosenberg # 8217 ; s artlessness so the jury decided to believe David Greenglass # 8217 ; , Harry Gold # 8217 ; s, and Max Elicher # 8217 ; s testimonies. The prosecuting officers asked the Rosenbergs many inquiries about their engagement in the Communist Party in order to set up motivation. They answered most of the inquiries with the Fifth Amendment so that their replies would non imply them. This led many people, including the jurymans, to experience really strongly about their guilt. Many argue that the Rosenbergs were framed and that they were the perfect people to be framed because of their engagement in the Communist Party. There are a few inquiries as to why Emanuel Bloch did certain things in the test. For illustration, he did non cross-examine Harry Gold. ( Sharlitt 17 ) For collaborating with the prosecution, Greenglass # 8217 ; sentence was for 15 old ages of imprisonment, Gold # 8217 ; s for 30 and Fuch # 8217 ; s for merely 14. The Rosenbergs pled non guilty. In March 1951, they became the first Americans to be sentenced to decease on a charge of espionage in peacetime. ( Milton 103 ) Doubts on the Trial Some historiographers say that the authorities framed the Rosenbergs, and was taking for capital penalty. First, they were non charged with espionage, instead they were charged and convicted of confederacy to descry. This was to the authorities # 8217 ; s advantage because, as explained antecedently, much less cogent evidence is necessary for a strong belief for confederacy. A 2nd ground that historians think that the authorities was out to kill the Rosenbergs was because Saypool, Lane, Cohn, and Kilsheimer were all assigned to the instance. This showed the authorities # 8217 ; s strong and particular involvement in the instance. In drumhead, the charge against the Rosenbergs, the powerful prosecution, the well-known anti-Communist prosecuting officers and the justice, all support that the authorities # 8217 ; s aim was to kill the Rosenbergs. ( Sharlitt 23 ) The ground many people call the Rosenberg # 8217 ; s executings a legal and fatal mistake is simple. On June 19, 1953, the federal authorities executed the Rosenbergs. The Rosenbergs were charged, tried, and convicted under the Espionage Act of 1917. In 1946, the Atomic Energy Act was passed. It required that undercover agents who passed atomic secrets be executed merely after a jury # 8217 ; s recommendations. From the twenty-four hours the Rosenbergs were indicted to three yearss before their executing, this act was ignored. Amazingly, cipher realized, including the prosecuting officers, suspects, or any Judgess, that this was being ignored. A attorney from the West Coast raised the issue that suggested to person that the Rosenbergs were being wrongly executed. Even after the issue was raised, the Supreme Court ignored it and the Rosenbergs were executed anyhow. Still today, there is an on-going and acrimonious contention as to why the Rosenbergs were put to decease. ( Sharlitt 27 ) Bibliography Allen, Thomas, and Norman Polmar. Merchants of Treason. New York: Delacorte Imperativeness, 1988. Burkholz, Herbert, and Clifford Irving. Spy The Story of Modern Espionage. New York: Macmillan Printing Company, 1969. Eisenhower, Dwight. Mandate For Change. Garden City: Doubleday A ; Company, Inc. , 1963. Milton, Joyce, and Ronald Rodash. The Rosenberg File. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Meeropol, Michael, and Robert Meeropol. We Are Your Sons. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1975. Sharlitt, Joseph. Fatal Error. New York: Macmillan Printing Company, 1989.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Catholicism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Catholicism - Assignment Example Testament of the bible, which prophesied that he would come be born to a virgin, die on the cross and rise three days afterwards; in order to give eternal life to those who believed in him. The many miracles which he performed were recorded in the New Testament in the gospel books by eyewitnesses. He was human and divine in nature making him credible to worship. Christians refer to Jesus as the messiah, which means they have received their prophesied deliverer. Christianity teaches that only one supreme being who is God. Christians believe that God is the creator of everything the universe knows of and that they are yet to discover. They also believe that God created the first human beings who were Adam and Eve in His own image meaning he gave them a likeness like that of his own in terms of character. For this reason, Christians do not by the scientific argument of evolution from a sine celled organism to the modern complex organisms which including the human beings. God created the first beings, put them on the Garden of Eden, and continued to give them the freedom to choose between right and wrong. He however gave them a condition, which was if they choose evil they would be punished and this came to be later on. Sinning was contrary to the nature of God and the punishment for their sin was being throne of the Garden of Eden and having to work to fend for them-selves. They would also be subject to death and suffering. Their descendants would also inherit the sinful nature of their ancestors. Children did not have to learn but were sinful since conception and the sinful nature would come out naturally this made it necessary for the coming of the messiah who was Jesus. Christianity also teaches that God is made up of three entities which are god the father, god the son and God the spirit. The three make up the trinity. It also teaches that one is only saved from self-distraction only when they believe and Grace and Faith receive that salvation in the works

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Nursing Leadership Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Nursing Leadership - Research Paper Example It can occur in any form, internal motivated or externally motivated, though if change is to take place it should be for the best to improve the status. For change to take place effectively, addressing the problems should be the first point to be considered. When change takes place things have to be done differently depending on what was changed, it could be time, location, the staff or any other measures. Change and addressing problems should be done systematically, considering the most important to the least important (Antrobus, 2001). Why are there no committees representatives from the units, despite having a hospital committee, this is one of the problems that Nurse Pena should address. A committee representative helps and saves the manager to deal with small issues faced by the staff. They do not have to rush to the manager, leading to wastage of time or even recourses. The manager is scheduled to deal with matters that are beyond being dealt with by the committee representativ e. (Bachrach, 2007) Despite that manager Pena has a hard time and faces many challenges in managing the two different buildings, the committee representatives cooperates with her greatly in that she does not have to attend to all matters personally leading to her, moving from one building to another. As a committee, they should hold meetings to bring rise to issues affecting them as staffs and then can pass them to the manager through the representative, who then discusses them with the hospital committee. These helps the staff to become more out spoken and are courageous and capable of rising up the small problems that they face, since they do not have to meet with their superiors. Rebecca as a leader and manager should have good managerial morals. The staff follows the manager for guides and direction. Nurse Pena is responsible for setting a particular type of leadership that she uses to run the hospital. There are many types of managerial skills, and are used in different fields to operate the many different departments. To be a superior manager among other organizations leaders, she ought to have these strategies or views, Mission: they should understand well what their mission to the organization is and why it does exist. The mission should be put down on paper describing the purpose of the organization. Anyone including the employees and patients should be able to understand it clearly after reading it, since it is not esoteric but rather descriptive (Antrobus, 2001). A vision is also a vital strategy, since is explains where Rebecca is heading the hospital. It should be an abstract to motivate people to imagine it and get encouraged to understand it and be willing to build the imagination to concrete (Graham, 2008). She should also have a set Goal. The goal explains how the organization’s mission and vision are to be achieved and what measure should be taken. A realistic, operational and measurable goal set by a superior leader should give the ex pected results by the organization. The goal also helps reduce wastage of resources like time, money, equipments and people (Buchan, 2002). Competency is also an important strategy in the sense that she has to be seen by the employees, public, stakeholders and her own advisors as a qualified expert leadership and in her field as a manager. It is difficult for her to earn respect, followed and admired unless the people and the surrounding see her as high-credentialed

Monday, August 26, 2019

Financial Analysis (Tesco and Wall-Mart) Coursework

Financial Analysis (Tesco and Wall-Mart) - Coursework Example Tesco plc is a general merchandise retailer and a multinational grocery, which is has its headquarters in Cheshunt, UK. Perhaps it is the world’s third largest retailer in terms of revenues. The other retailers that are ahead of it are Carrefour and Wal-Mart, and it is also the second largest in terms of profit, whereby it comes after Wal-Mart. The retailer has branches in fourteen states across North America, Asia, and Europe. In the United Kingdom, it is the leader in the grocery market whereby it controls a market share of about thirty percent. It was established by Cohen Jack back in the year 1919 as a small market stalls group (MacLaurin, 2002, p.76). Interestingly, the company generates approximately eighteen billion pounds in sales, offer employment for around one hundred and eighty thousand people and earn about seven hundred million pounds in revenue from outside of the United Kingdom. Currently, the have about two thousand and twenty six stores running outside the Un ited Kingdom. However, within the United Kingdom, the company runs two thousand, two hundred stores and offers employment for about two hundred and eighty five thousand individuals. ... The company employs around two million, one hundred thousand people from all over the world. The company has operations or presence in over ten states, which include China, Brazil, Argentina, Honduras, Nicaragua, Canada, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, Japan, India, El Salvador, Mexico, Chile and Guatemala (MacLaurin, 2002, p.26). They earn around one hundred billion dollars from stores that are located outside the United States, approximately twenty five percent of the total revenue. They run over eight thousand, four hundred stores across the globe. The company operates on a model of price leadership. Clients are aware that the company can offer them the lowest process for what they need. Unlike Wal-Mart, we find that Tesco Corporation decided to adopt a kind of approach that is multiple format not only in its native market but also in the global operations. Whereas the company managed to be successful in all the twelve international markets that it ventured in, Wal-Mart did not manage to be successful; that is it was not able to make a its presence felt in a number of markets (Simms, 2009, p.45). Nevertheless, after strongly managing to establish itself or making a mark in the emerging markets, in the year 2007, Tesco Corporation entered into the United States market after carrying out thorough and comprehensive groundwork. Tesco Company came out with a one of its kind novel convenient store approach, which is ‘Fresh & Easy’ based on its comprehensive market research and after a very short time, the approach proved to be a great success and considerably gained an extensive acceptability and was embraced by most of the consumers in the United

Legal Issue That May Arise When Caring For Highly Dependent Child Essay

Legal Issue That May Arise When Caring For Highly Dependent Child - Essay Example When such a legal issue arises it also impacts not only the family members of the affected child but the treatment and caring process of the nurses in the highly dependent environment also gets influenced. The present study focuses on the legal issue that might arise in the nursing of a highly dependent child in a highly dependent environment. For the particular study, the legal issue selected deals with the maltreatment of the nurses towards the highly dependent children and their roles to report in cases of child neglect of child abuse. The study also focuses on the impacts of the nursing and care of the nurses for such children when such a legal issue arises within a health organization when the nurses ignore the cases of child abuse and do not report them accordingly. Nursing of Highly Dependent Children: Small children require additional care from the nurses and a constant monitoring process (Moyse, 2009, p.241). Physical examinations might be required to detect any disease in t he child and this include observing the child, providing the child with physical touch and assessing the child’s health with an affectionate feeling, listening to the various sounds produced by the body of the child, as well as using the techniques of percussion (Fergusson, 2008, pp.8-9). Hence it is very essential that nurses take their responsibilities sincerely and provide the child with care and service of enhanced quality (Rosenbloom, 2005, p.483). The professional codes of conduct are also essential for a nurse to be followed in order to maintain their roles of care and treatment within a health organization. It would be relevant to mention the name of the International Council of Nurses with whom... The paper tells that small children require additional care from the nurses and a constant monitoring process. Physical examinations might be required to detect any disease in the child and this include observing the child, providing the child with physical touch and assessing the child’s health with an affectionate feeling, listening to the various sounds produced by the body of the child, as well as using the techniques of percussion. The professional codes of conduct are also essential for a nurse to be followed in order to maintain their roles of care and treatment within a health organization. It would be relevant to mention the name of the International Council of Nurses with whom several nurses and organizations of nurses are connected through membership. The primary role of nursing involves the treatment and caring of the patients which in the case of highly dependent children implies at a greater level of involvement and understanding on the part of the nurses. Howeve r when it comes to professional performance of the nurses, they have greater responsibilities since they have to make use of the scientific and technological advances as well in the understanding of the disease of the child and accordingly provide the required treatment. These responsibilities have other positive attributes for the child care since they allow the nursing facility to detect the drugs and treatment therapies appropriate for the treatment of similar diseases in other highly dependent children.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

A critical assessment of a marketing execution Essay - 1

A critical assessment of a marketing execution - Essay Example Consumers have power in the baby product industry because they can always go to another location. There are many competitors and decision makers and Johnsons & Johnsons need to develop a corporate growth strategy to increase their penetration of current product-markets. The organization’s web page is full of promotional activities to attract customers and increase their market penetration. In order to attract customers to new class offerings, their webpage says, â€Å"at Johnson & Johnsons we recognize that times are hard, so we want to help you tighten your belt this June with an automatic 10% off your membership† (Johnson & Johnsons 1). The organization is also updating their facility on a continual basis to improve their facilities. Facilities like these increase market penetration. Johnsons and Johnsons marketing strategy tends to be more aggressive rather than passive, reactor or analyzer. Their target market is new moms who are almost hosting the first birthday for their children. They are actively trying to stimulate new marketing opportunities and develop new products. They have an extensive staff with different strategic business units. New product development is actively pursued† (Eisma 1). Part of the marketing department is advertising plan is to offer free or reduced price classes to both new and regular members. They also go out of their way to attract members who have stopped using their products. No successful marketing strategy is entirely focused on one plan. Marketers look at what is happening on a local, national, and international levels so that they could adapt their offerings and expand their offerings appropriately. An organization’s performance goals are often â€Å"linked to accountability and could involve problem-solving, innovation, or implementation of some type of improvement† which might enhance current performance or prepare a group for a new role (Kokemuller 1). They need to be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Communication tools Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Communication tools - Research Paper Example Concrete communication skills refer to the effectiveness and the ability to generate the desired results in the listener. Concreteness of communication also depends on the listeners and the individual team members, i-e, the way they view and perceive things and commands, and the ways of communications which get the best results. Some people utilize all five senses they are blessed with. These people are called ‘sensory individuals’ and they need concrete frame of reference in communications. They use present tense in their thought cycle as well as in their communications. This way they are better equipped to transform their thoughts and commands into reality. Concrete communications skills/tools are not something that are acquired once and then forgotten. These skills need constant improvement, learning and practice. Project managers need to look at their own communication ways and need to tone them. They need to keep only the concrete communication skills/tools in their skill bags which effectively give results. This definitely means that they need to discard the less effective skills otherwise known as the ineffective communication skills. And the first step into honing and toning concrete communication skills is listening. The PM needs to be a good listener to be an effective communicator. The PM also needs to start sending the ‘I’ message in communicating. The project manager needs to be effective in communication as well as aware of the tone and texture of communication of the team members and individuals. The following actions can be very helpful in spotting the tone and texture of communication; Following is a brief understanding of these actions. Being present during a discussion refers to being proactive or even reactive instead of only listening to the ideas and plans passively. Giving opinions and criticizing from a logical viewpoint

Friday, August 23, 2019

Emergency preparedness for Healthcare Professionals Article

Emergency preparedness for Healthcare Professionals - Article Example It is advisable that since a hospital is working as a team, then the fight and preparedness here should also be initiated as a team. To begin with, I will address the issues of someone coming in to attack the hospital with a weapon. Here, it is advisable that both patients and hospital officials should make a highway where some individuals can escape. In addition, the alarm system should be in place and in good condition, which will alarm the security officers on the attack immediately. Having put that across, it is also vital to raise concern over earthquake occurrence in the hospital. Earthquake is natural and often, hard to identify the direction to which it is originating from without machines assistance. Therefore, it is advisable for the hospital management to be well equipped with several kits that can last over seventy-two hours after the occurrence of the real incidence. Some of the kits are the ponchos, radios for communication and networking, food rations and flashlights j ust to sample but a few. Again, it is important for the hospital management to acknowledge the vitality of the emergency systems that will aid in notifications. Further, it will be awesome if the hospital is safe-guarded with earthquake safety measures, frames and foundations of the building should be reinforced to resist earthquake. Another unavoidable disaster is terrorism. Often, the increased potential of attacks by the terrorist directs the consequence and unique burden on Medicaid personnel. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the hospital management to prepare in advance for the fight against such act. Thus, the hospital officials have the mandate to implement policies that will protect health care personnel during the time when they will be attending to the victims. Therefore, it is pertinent to have ambulance in standby to evacuate some patients to other hospitals, order extra medicines and arrangements for security personnel. Again, alarming disaster is carbon Monoxide poisoning. In this regard, it is pertinent that the management team should ensure that there is proper installation of the carbon monoxide alarms, which can alert the concern authority audibly. The hospitals should have a professional checker of all burning appliances. It is not wise to be using oven or range to assist in heating the hospitals. Charcoal burning in hospital should be out of bounds. Another caution is that cars should not be left running since; this will not supply required air in the milieu. Lastly, hospital should develop extra decontamination rooms since it is not likely that pre-hospital personnel will manage to control all the contamination issues, the above will prevent hypothermia illness. Hurricane is another disaster that needs thorough preparedness. Here, for any hospitals to run effectively without worries of the severity of the hurricane, it is important that the following issues be put in place. Back-up generators are required to prevent black out conditi on. Hospital structures should be hardened and category five windows hurricane resistance put in place. Fuel tanks for the back-up generators should be available. Another natural disaster is the flood. It is worth to note that flood being a natural disaster calls for preparedness immediately when any sign shows up to avoid loss of life.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Advertising Bias Essay Example for Free

Advertising Bias Essay Marketing and advertising companies are constantly playing on gender roles and stereotypes. Both men and women are portrayed in certain ways to help make products seem more attractive to the same or opposite sex. Men are pictured as lazy, dumb slobs while women are pictured as gentle, beautiful, sexual, and submissive. In children’s ads, boys are shown as rough and interested in action games while girls are more quiet and interested in dolls. Though these stereotypes are not always true, they are what Americans have come to accept about gender and society. Advertisements depend upon painting evocative pictures about these stereotypes in order to entice the consumer to buy the product. Many ads use a sloppy, idiotic, couch potato to appeal to women in products that are commonly used by women such as cooking items and cleaning products. By using the male stereotype, women tend to feel empowered or that they have the upper hand when the usually â€Å"dominant† male is depicted as inferior. While downplaying the male role has become more accepted as a show of politically correct sexism, it is still politically incorrect to do such to women. See more: My Writing Process Essay Some view this as an unfair double standard. Role reversal is often utilized in advertising with women as the focus of the ad. The most common use of stereotyping with women is ads is using them to promote or sell a product through sexual appeal. Whether to a male or female audience, women are portrayed as extremely beautiful and sexy and often in suggestive poses. It attracts men for the obvious reasons, and attracts other women because they aspire to be a certain way or have a certain beautiful quality or feature. Women are also advertised as gentle and submissive in contrast to males. Feminists are against these types of stereotyping because they believe it itemizes women. In society males and females are picked on for their underlying qualities. These qualities have become so widespread and commonplace, today they are considered stereotypes. Companies use these to attract buyers with the idea that they are somewhat better than the opposite sex in some way. The underlying nature in ads points out flaws of men and women and uses them to exploit certain behaviours or mannerisms that will help sell a product with its image.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Khaleeji (Arab Gulf) Dialectic Essay Example for Free

Khaleeji (Arab Gulf) Dialectic Essay Khaleeji dialectic or Gulf Arabic is the language of Arabic native to Arab nationals such as the United Arab Emirates, Qatar or Kuwait. Constitute countries of UAE include Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi among other member countries. Others include Kuwait, Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and most parts of Southern Iraq, State of Qatar and the Sultanante of Oman. Khaleeji is not a written but spoken language by many countries in United Arab Emirates (Sami, 1999). Countries within these regions are Arabic which is also known as Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Gulf Arabic also known as Khaleeji is a variety of Arabic language spoken by nationalities from Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Khaleeji dialectic has some notable characteristics that differentiate it from other Arabian dialects such as a number of slang terms and pronunciation of certain words. The users of the language have similar ethical originality especially true Arabs who trace their origin from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar or Bahrain. Immigrants from Persian Gulf have different language from that of Khaleeji. A good example to reflect this is the use of language by people from GCC who are in a position to communicate and understand each other because their dialect is very similar (Gabriel, 2003). Accent of different users tend to differ from one region to another owing to their place of origin. United Arab Emirates share a lot of slang terms with individuals from Bahrain. People from Bahrain and Qatar both have undeniable similarity in the use of their language. Saudi Arabia itself has a number of dialects whereby people from the northern part of the country sound different from those from the southern part of the country. People from Jeddah have notable accent while those from Eastern province have an accent similar to those from Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait (Jacques, 2003). The language is used in the press such as television, radios, magazines and newspapers. Officials in the government use this language to communicate important information and it is applied in day-to-day tasks by Gulf Arabs. Gulf Arabic is a variety of Arabic language spoken around the Persian Gulf. Some notable characteristics that differentiate Khaleeji language include small number of Persian loanwords and pronunciation of â€Å"k† as â€Å"ch† (Leslie, 2003). The background of Khaleeji dialectic can be traced from Old North Arabian dialects of pre-Islamic Arabia. As a matter of fact, early Arabic language had noticeable dialect distinctions between Adnan, Himyar and Qahtanite. The spread of Islam in 7th century made Quranic Araqbic to be one of the most prevalent dialects (Buhier, 2001). Vernacular Arabic was first recognized as a written language in contrast to Classical Arabic during the 17th century. In African continent, Egypt was a major developer of elite that led to formation of certain trends towards colloquial writing. In the modern world, Arabs have different spoken dialects from literary Arabic. Another basis of Khaleeji dialect is related to Arabic pronunciation which is central to Semitic language. The language is related to other Semitic languages such as Hebrew and Neo-Aramaic languages. Khaleeji language has more speakers than any other language in Semitic language family. It is the first language with a number of two hundred and eighty million people. Most of the people speaking this language live in Middle East and North Africa. Khaleeji dialect has a variety of geographically distributed speakers some of which are mutually unintelligible. The Islamic world has borrowed a number of words from Arabic languages meaning that they share certain accents. In the middle ages, Arabic was a major concern of cultural practices by many European languages. Arabic language has influence from many Mediterranean languages especially Spanish, Sicilian and Portuguese (Mufwene, 2001). This owes both to proximity of Arab civilizations and European during the 700 years of Islamic rule. Khaleeji dialect borrows words from other languages including Hebrew, Persian and Syriac in the early centuries. In the modern times, Arabic language has some sentiments of European language. The central dialect known as Khaleeji in Saudi Arabia is one of the closest dialects to classical Arabic. The Arabs are united by one language which is a common aspect that helped the Arabs to change Persian Gulf. A brief description of the Persian Gulf a major development in Khaleeji dialect is very crucial to help understand the background of such language (Hrair, 1998). The Persian Gulf was a re-known transportation route that declined with fall of Mesopotamia. The region was under the control of Arabs, Persians, Western Europeans and Turks. The Arabs, Persians and Turks are our major relevant issues in this paper. The Arab sheikhdoms of Persian Gulf signed perpetual maritime truce that led to formalization of certain truces. The sheiks agreed to stop harassment of British shipping in Arabian Sea and recognize Britain as the dominant power in the gulf. These Sheikdoms became to be known as the crucial States upon the agreements by major powers around 1907. This led to a development of Khaleeji dialect which differentiates individuals from different Arabic background. Arabic language is Semitic with a variety of dialects that diverge from one country to another and within single country. There are two major classification of the language such as classical and standard Arabic with certain variants. Arabic in its native environment occurs in a diglossic situation meaning that native speakers in Arabic countries learn on how to use two different forms of language (Peter, 2001). In the Arabic countries, they learn their mother tongue which is used nearly in all communication including films, plays and music. Modern Standard Arabic is another major class of Arabic language learned in schools and is used in most printed work, formal institutions and public media. The use of the two major classes of language differs from one country to another, speaker to speaker and subject matter of discussion. People make mistakes when they assume that all Gulf Arabs are same in which case there is a big difference. The difference is as vast as in other various forms of national interest such as the dress code. The local United Arab Emirates has origins that come from within and outside Arabian territory. The emirate people have their origin from diverse places such as Yemen, Asian sub-continent, Iran and khaleeji. There are a number of ethnic groups that depict the difference between the users of Khaleeji dialect and other languages. Bani Yas is a major focus in the aspect of discussing Arabic ethnicities. The Balushi people are the entertainers of indigenous population which is more approachable than any other nationals in UAE. They are considered as entertainers because of their humorous nature and their character of easy going. The Balushistans have their roots in Iran and borrows some Pakistan traits (Katzner, 2002). A major concern is their dress code and use of language with slight difference from other Arabic countries. A major development has been made to bring out clearly the speakers of Khaleeji dialect. This is clearly depicted in cultural and religious practices. People try to merge culture and religion to mean the same thing but this is not possible as the two terms mean different things. An important aspect of Khaleeji is its values and meaning it has to different Arabic countries. However, the Arabic society is considered to be one entity but with different cultural practices. The common element in this aspect is the issue of Islamic observations. Islam and Arabs have common traits but they have a number of differences. The Arabian culture is rich with rituals and customs that are not particularly practices by the Islam. Islam tried to borrow some cultural observations from Arabs and in other situations they have tried to abolish some Arabic practices. In the past the Islamic and Arabic interaction was dynamic leading to a development of certain languages. Islam added to Arabian culture leading to existence of new Hadiths with odd endorsed concepts. The Islam was very stern trying to shape a new nation out of the Arabs and abolished Arab nationalism into a new Islamic identity (Gabriel, 2003). However this was never achieved as individuals had different feelings of belonging. There have been various changes in feeling with change of circumstances, time and surroundings. Majority of Arabic countries that use the Khaleeji language are not in a state of take or leave it with Islam. They pick and choose what suits their personal beliefs or lifestyles. Another consideration is what the society makes an easy option relating to what has been accustomed to them. A blend between Islam and Arabia is the current structure of Arabic society. The society has a number of components that vary in proportion from one individual to another. Different cultures that in region aboard merchant ships and commercial jets. Language is an aspect of connecting Gulf’s population at home and on the street. A development of the Gulf Pidgin Arabic (GAP) a testament to the ability of trade and development creates something new. A mixture of Khaleeji Arabic and South Asian languages has gained recognition as Lingua franca on the streets. Many people are interested in learning Khaleeji language so as to get employed in many countries of United Arab Emirates. A country like Dubai is known for its booming business of textile and electronic goods. Business people should have a common language that promotes the extent of doing business (Peter, 2001). A businessperson should be in a position to communicate with customers in a language which is understood by the two partners. Talking to a neighbor or colleagues is of essence and requires each party to understand the essence of communication. Khaleeji has been of importance to business people and other individuals who travel to Arabic countries in search of jobs. Many individuals from Africa and other developing nations opt to look for employment opportunities in UAE countries. This requires the job seekers to learn Arabic language so as to fit in the job market. Communication is of essence and many individuals opt to choose the best way for passing information without a break down of specific channels. Khaleeji dialectic is a major development in Arabic countries used by musicians to entertain their listeners (Barnett, 2000). As a language it is used by media to broadcast news and air entertaining television shows or programs. Arab artists sing in Gulf dialect but many listeners confuse their tones with other languages. Some of the musicians do it for money and others for fame. Diana is one of the best-known artists who use Arab Gulf to entertain her listeners. This is not a new trend and has been going on since the 1970’s and the listeners look at it in terms of performance and implications of the words. Khaleeji dialect is not as simple as people think but if an artist is in a position to master Bedouin dialect in their own countries, they have no difficult when using Gulf dialect to perform their music. Most Arabic countries have close forms of Bedouin dialect but this is never heard in main cities. It is commonly used by people in desert town or countryside to promote their cultural values. Many successful singers in Arabic countries who use Gulf dialect are usually best in their own countries dialect. This means that a singer should be very well conversant with his or her own country dialect before using Gulf dialect. Singers without their own countries dialect will have their original accent come through even if they try to use proper vocabulary used in Gulf countries (Sami, 1999). This is a major problem because singers may not be in a position to control turning ‘Th’ into ‘S’. This problem is generally with people living in cities as they are called city dialects. The problem is major because it reaches a certain situation when singers complicate words to pronounce grammar phonics wrong. Once this happens the meaning of the song or communicated message is changed. The problem in this situation arises as a result of poor rooted grammar from young age. However, some other people have no problem with Gulf dialect as they have good command of language. A few number of Gulf artists sing in other Arabic dialects as well as in Arab which is also a Gulf dialect. This means that such artists are on their home turf which promotes production of good music. Khaleeji just means Gulf and it is a regional thing which relates to traditional music styles from Arab Persian Gulf states. The major difference is the rhythms distinct from other Arabic countries. Khaleeji dialectic used in music is drawn from Indian and African sources. Artists from Gulf States perform their music in styles from other countries. Khaleeji dialectic used in music is popular in Arabic countries especially radio stations. The stations play music from this genre in which most Arabic singers normally sing in this particular genre. Most of them record their music in khaleeji style to cater for particular niche audience. Dubai is one of the main production centers for Khaleeji music in the recent past. Rabsha Art Production studio is a major studio in United Arab Emirates that specializes in Khaleeji music. It is one of the best known music studios that promote Khaleeji language. This is achieved through promotional campaigns undertaken by various channels. The studio is equipped with special tools and music software applications available for top quality condenser. This ensures that quality of acoustic recordings meets international standards. Khaleeji music is based on peculiar rhythmic patterns accompanied by hand clapping. The genre of music is linked to belly dancing with particular traditional acoustic instruments. Traditional acoustic instruments create harmony leaving a room for couple of instrument solos. The Khaleeji sound is created through the use of traditional acoustic instruments such as Oud the Arabic lute. Other instruments used include Qanoon which resembles plucked harp and the Rababa a bowed fiddle. Khaleeji style has not changed over time, as people from Persian Gulf are proud of their cultural heritage. The rhythmic layers of the music are pretty much traditional in both style and sound. Recently, the genre of music has taken a new trend whereby there is application of modern instruments which gives the music additional contemporary flavor. The music genre uses certain elements of traditional and modern instruments giving it entertaining beats. The genre of music has found a huge number of customer bases not only in the UAE market but in Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Iran. Rabsha is a development that shows the evaluation of digital technologies and virtual instruments. Application of modern technology is a basic consideration in production studios and other digital workstations. This means that application of technology has shaped the music career in Arabic countries. The situation has led to creation of employment opportunities a measure for improving economic development. Many production studios in UAE apply software and other technologies to produce quality music. However, there has been a down play in the process of producing music whereby there are no available plug-in to replace natural sound of real Oud player. The producer of music has his own sound trademark as a result of using real instruments. Once the music has been produced, the producer uses midi-driven samples to spice up the mix. This is a step that has led to promotion of Khaleeji dialectic in many Arabic countries and other states. One major known producer of Khaleeji music is Alali who runs Rabsha radio station. The producer works with a team of known Khaleeji artists such as Qanoon player, Saadek, Hassan Faleh and Haythan Sadoon. Alali is a well re-known television presenter who has helped to change the mode of music composition approach. He says that working in the capacity of editing pictures has dramatically changed the capacity to compose music. This has led to improvement of songwriting and mixing skills of videos. The process of producing music is very extensive and calls for allocation of time in the aspect of promoting music as a career and advancement of entertainment industry. In this case, Alali is in a position to expand his studio so as to meet increased demand of video music. Clients have been in massive demand of his music and he provides them with the capacity to record and edit their music from his studio. The relevant concept of this argument is the fact of promoting Khaleeji dialectic through music videos. A major advantage in this concept is the application of package music track under one roof. The use of khaleeji dialectic in music is destined to be more important in future as it is gaining popularity among other non-Arabic audiences. Although it is based on traditional concepts, the act of producing the music through digital technology means that it is available via the internet. This therefore is an implication that such music is accessible to other listeners all over the world. The production of music through traditional Khaleeji gives it a modern touch that widens its appeal. Khaleeji music is very entertaining and this attracts many people to listen such music. In certain circumstances, individuals develop a mechanism for developing music genre which is basically essential in media (Barnett, 2000). Khaleeji dialect which is developed from different Arabic countries has led to advancement in entertainment sector through music, films and dance. As a major area of concern in the history of Arabic countries, Khaleeji dance basically known as belly dance is a way of promoting Khaleeji dialect. It is a typical style of Arabic peninsula and Persian Gulf including countries such as Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen and some parts of Iraq. The belly dance performed by different Arabic countries is different from the one that is performed by Egyptians, Turkish and Lebanese. Language in any particular nation is a reflection of cultural practices and dance styles. In this case a major concern is in promotion of language through Khaleeji dance performed by people wearing characteristic piece of clothing called thobe nasshal. Khaleeji dance is performed through an Arabic dance style that involves a lot of focus on footwork, movements and spins. Dancers toss their unbound hair from one shoulder to the other as per the rhythm. Khaleeji rhythm is different from classical Middle Eastern rhythms characterized by heavy beats. One common used rhythm is the Saudi rhythm with heavy accents on beats. Instruments used for Khaleeji style are frame drums such as bendirs or tars while ud is used as the primary instrument. Apart from the various issues of Khaleeji music and dance as discussed above which reflects Khaleeji dialect, there is a major issue related to dialectal various in Arabic languages. In some dialects there may be more or fewer phonemes than in non-Arabic languages. The variations exist between written and spoken language a major aspect that differentiates Khaleeji language from foreign languages (Leslie, 2003). Certain Arabic dialects differentiate some letters from other Semitic languages. During the past decades, expansion of Arabic characterized by emphatic phonemes meant a single phoneme. A major distinguishing mark of Arabic dialects is the application of certain stops. The grammatical concept of Khaleeji dialects differs from other Semitic languages. The algebraic looking grammar is the distinguishing mark between Arabic language and other foreign languages. Arabic language a major reflection of Khaleeji dialectic borrowed a number of religious terminologies, academic and economic terms used in every day activity. Arabic worlds with Khaleeji dialect also made their way into several West African languages as Islam tried to spread through the Sahara. Arabic language can be associated with Latin in Europe throughout the Islamic world. Many Arabic concepts are applied in certain fields such as science, commerce or philosophy. People like to use Arabic language with the help of translators who are known from the way they pronounce certain Arabic words. In addition, foreign concepts are translated into Arabic meaning so as to make every person in a given gathering understand message being communicated (Jacques, 2003). Khaleeji dialect is reflected in many different Arabic countries through its application in many aspects of life. References Barnett, N. (2000). Dialogues in Arab Politics: Negotiations in Regional Order. New York: Columbia University Press Buhier, M. (2001). The Formation and Perception of the Modern Arab World. Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press Gabriel B. (2003). Minorities and the State in the Arab World. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers Hrair, D. (1998). Islam in Revolution: Fundamentalism in the Arab World. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press Jacques, M. (2003). Languages in a Globalizing World. New York: Cambridge University Press Katzner, K. (2002). The Languages of the World: Language and Languages. London: Routledge Leslie, J. (2003). Colloquial Arabic (Khaleeji). London: Routledge. Mufwene. S. (2001). The Ecology of Language Evolution. London: Cambridge University Press Peter, C. (2001). Ideology of Power in the Middle East: Studies in Honor of George Lereczowski on Dialectical Progress. Durham, NC: Duke University Press Sami, H. (1999). Arab Socialism: A Documentary Survey of Dialectical Transformations. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Overview of Disease Diagnoses Processes

Overview of Disease Diagnoses Processes Alejandra Medinilla TASK 1 The aim of this work is to cover the whole process of disease diagnoses. In medicine, exist different ways to classify diseases as well as different test and procedures to diagnose them. The world health organization (WHO) plays a very important role here; since they created normalized classifications of diseases and disabilities, with specific codes to describe each of them with the purpose of simplify and standardize the process of diagnose 1.2. We are going to review the two most important models of health, used in medicine to explain illness. They help to predict and identify risks and consequences, make decisions and reduce the possibility of occurrence of an illness. Diseases can be classified in different ways, depending on the criteria taken into account; duration, distribution, pathology and aetiology are some examples. They are important in the compilation of statistics on causes of illness (morbidity) and causes of death (mortality). The most used classifications divided illnesses depending on the organs affected, nature and causes of the disease, risk of contagious and communicable and the occurrence and frequency of it. According to the British encyclopedia these classifications are: 1) topographic, (2) anatomic (3) physiological, (4) pathological (5) etiologic (6) juristic, (7) epidemiological and (8) statistical. (Stanley L. Robbins, Jonathan H. Robbins, Dante G. Scarpelli. 2013. Classifications of diseases [online]. Available at: The WHO has a very important role in classifying disease. They develop the WHO Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC), with the ICD and ICF as core classifications. They are call the Normalized Classifications and are based on professional and scientific criteria. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is a classification that uses different codes to differentiate symptoms, signs and illnesses. This classification allowed a global standardization making easier the diagnostic process. Each illness is classifying trough a code of 5 characters. The last version is the 10th, ICD-10, created in 1992. The 11th revision is running until 2015. The other classification created by the WHO is the ICF, which complements the ICD. This classification has two parts. One refers to functionality and disability and the other to conceptual factors. Both classify of the different states of illness/health within a standardize framework, with specific codes. On the other hand, more generally speaking, in 1997 was created the â€Å"triangle of health†. It classifies health, into social, mental or physical making emphasis on the importance of the three states together. We can define as Physical Health, to the body health; it refers to optimal weigh, vision, a healthy skin, and bones, tissues and organs, a good dental condition and a good neuro-muscular coordination. A person with physical health must able to do all his routine workwithout any difficulty. To evaluate the physical health of a person we can focus in different areas like life style (drug abuse, alcohol and tabaco habits, regular exercise, medical checkups), human biology (genetic and body chemistry), environment (the air we breathe and where we live) and medical services ( to prevent, detect and treat diseases). Mental Health – refers to the state of mind. It is the capability that a person has to manage stress and tension of daily life and keep a good attitude. Personal relationships with family and friends are a key aspect when trying to evaluate a person’s mental health. Mental health is essential requirement to make judgments, to possess discretion and to face and overcome the problems. The World Health Organization describes Mental Health as the â€Å"state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community. (WHO. December 2013. Mental health: a state of well-being [online]. Available at: And last, Social Health – which is the ability to function in society. It is in the ability to build positive and constructive relationships with peers. The social network of a person is a crucial indicator. Having no friends could lead to depression being more prone to manifest physical problems. In contrast, a person with strong relationships will feel more supported and accompanied. As a resume, a person could have a very good physical health, making exercises every day, eating healthy food and doing regular checkups with the doctor, but, if the person moves away from friends and social events to maintain this condition, this means luck of social health and could lead him to mental health problems in the future. In the process of diagnoses and establishing health and disease it is important to have knowledge and understanding of the Health research methods. Health research has been defined as â€Å"the process for obtaining systematic knowledge and technology which can be used for the improvement of the health of individual groups.† (Davies 1991, cited in A. Bowling 2002, p.3) Health research methods are used to obtain the necessary information to develop new tools and procedures that help to protect people from diseases or recover from them. Classifications of research methods are based on different criteria. Dankhe classification (1989) proposed 4 types of research studies: exploratory, descriptive, correlational and explanatory. In general depending on the role of the researcher we can have observational or experimental methods; according to the time when the data is collected or measured, prospective or retrospective; according to the number of occasions on which the variable is measured in the study, transversal or longitudinal and according to the number of variables under study, descriptive or analytic. Experimental studies are prospective studies; they evaluate the effect of one or more interventions. Frequently used in the assessment of therapeutic drugs and therapeutic interventions, being really careful with the ethic limits. They can be applied to the investigation of preventive measures of the disease, seeking to reduce individual risk. An example is the study that evaluates the effectiveness of a vaccine. On the other hand observational studies are those in which the patient is not assigned to an specific treatment or intervention, the evaluation is carried out according to a standard clinical practice, being therefore the researcher an observer of what is happening or has happened. Research involves a combination between the different types of research. Research methods are used in conjunction. As the WHO suggest â€Å"another way of classifying health research†¦ is to describe it under three operational interlinked categories of biomedical, health services and behavioral research, the so-called health research triangle† (WHO. 2001. Health research methodology. Chapter 1, p. 3) Multi-dimensional approaches are available for evaluating outcomes research. In evaluating research outcomes it is important to measure effectiveness, acceptability and humanity, equity and accessibility and efficiency. The evaluation of the data is made using the scientific method, and the collection of research data. Evaluation can be divided into two types: formative and summative. Formative evaluation is carried out during the investigation process. It aims to improve the methodology concentrating on the strengths and weaknesses. On the other hand, Summative evaluation takes place at the end of the process. It determines achievement and other outcomes, to evaluate the continuity or not of the process or program. There are different ways to disseminate the results of a research. As a general rule it is better to plan at the beginning of the research which is going to be the dissemination strategies. It should be consider the goals and objectives of the dissemination, as well as the impact, the Audience, the Medium to best reach each the audience and the execution process. Ones we have the results of an investigation we need to concentrate in how they are going to be disclosed. The options are diverse, depending on the public we want to focus on. The most common and generally used is the publication of texts, could as scientific papers, in specialize magazines, newspapers or posters, leaflets and advertising for a more general public. In the field of health exist different Principles of Health modeling. Models are a simplification of reality. They help to predict, identify risks and consequences, make decisions and reduce the burden of illness. We can mention 2 important models, the Biomedical and the Biopsychosocial models. Both are theories that explain illness from different perspectives. The biomedical model assumes that disease is a deviation from normal biological functioning and biological mechanisms are sufficient to explain disease, excluding psychological and social processes. It is a reductionist and single-factor model; it reduces illness to low-level processes, such as disordered cells and chemical imbalances, and explains illness in terms of a biological malfunction. We can say that the Body was treated as a machine; Physical disease is measured by the absence of health. It is the one used to develop the classification of diseases. On the other hand, the Holistic or biopsychosocial model includes biological, psychological, and social factors as important determinants of health and illness. It maintains that health and illness are caused by multiple factors and produce multiple effects. So it is a multicausal model. Mind and body cannot be distinguished in matters of health and illness because both influence the state of health. The perception of wellbeing is influence by different factors. There are psychological and social factors that influence the development of illness, and these are ignored by the biomedical model since it take into account just the physical aspects of the problem. TASK 2 It is important to mention the difference between Diseases and Illnesses. A disease is a pathological condition of the body in response to disruption of homeostasis. It is a result of pathogens, trauma, physical and chemical agents, genetics (inheritance), metabolic or nutritional disorders, while an Illness is the condition of a person experiencing disease. In order to establish people’s health we need to follow different procedures and make various tests to be able to give diagnoses. Before we can proceed with a specific test or group of tests we need to look the Signs and symptoms the patient presents. Signs can be define as any indication of a medical condition that can be objectively observed and normally they have no meaning to the patient or they not even notice them. Signs can be detected during a physical examination. Elevated blood pressure is an example. 2.2 Symptoms on the other hand are recognized, experienced and referred by the patients. The patient feels something anomalous in his body. Examples of symptoms can be, feeling tired, low mood and energy, anxiety, nausea, dizziness, and drowsiness. Symptoms become key elements when any health professional want to make a diagnosis to a patient and give him treatment. As examples to clarify we can mention three examples. In the case of a headache, the patient is the only one capable to notice it so, it is a symptom; if we talk about blood pressure, this could only be a signs, since it needs to be measured by a doctor in a laboratory; and the one that could be both, a sign and a symptom is a rush. Ones we have observe and checked the signs and symptoms we are able to proceed with the correspondent diagnostic process. The diagnostic process includes all types of measurements and tests that are used to evaluate a patients condition, such as physiological measurements, laboratory tests and pathology tests, imaging tests and endoscopies. 2.1 Each form of diagnosis involves specific procedures and tests that we can summarize as: Laboratory tests: blood test, urine, and/or other body fluids. They are used to evaluate what is going on in the body and also in specific cases like cancer treatment, to evaluate the side effects like anaemia and neutropenia (low white blood cell count), which can increase the risk of infection. 2.1 Endoscopic tests: is a procedure performed with an endoscope (a flexible and very thin tube with a camera) to examine the inside of the body. The endoscope model varies depending on the part of the body that is going to be examined. Biopsy: is the removal of tissue, a very small amount to be examined under a microscope. There are different types of biopsies: Fine needle aspiration biopsy, Core needle biopsy, Vacuum-assisted biopsy, Image-guided biopsy and surgical biopsy. 2.1 Imaging tests: X-ray, bone scan, CT or CAT scan, Positron emission tomography (PET) scan, MRI and Ultrasound. 2.1 In practice, Multiple Tests are used. Choices depend on cost, invasiveness, volume of test, presence and capability of lab infrastructure, urgency, etc. As an example, to diagnose cancer the most common types of tests used are biopsy, imaging tests, endoscopic tests and laboratory tests. It is important to know that a disease could be developed in a normal or an abnormal way. That is the field of etiology, which in medicine refers to the factors coming together to cause a disease. As mention previously, a disease can have a normal or an abnormal aetiology. To clarify this concept we can observe the development of Diabetes. In general it could be describe as a chronic disease that occurs when the body loses the ability to produce enough insulin or use it effectively. We can divide this disease in 2 main groups. The first one includes the types of diabetes with normal aetiology and the second one with abnormal aetiology. In the 1st group (normal aetiology), the common forms of diabetes are Type 1 diabetes (T1D, known as insulin-dependent diabetes or IDDM) and Type 2 diabetes. In Type 1, the pancreatic cells produce little or no insulin. Its causes are not precisely known but are believed to be an autoimmune reaction. It can occur at any age, but usually occurs before the age of 30. Type 2 diabetes (T2D), known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDDM) usually develops slowly over time. Most people with this disease are overweight at the time of diagnosis. The increment of body fat makes it difficult for the body to use insulin the right way. It can also occur in thin people and are more common in the elderly. It is the most common form of diabetes. 2.3 The 2nd group involves the types of diabetes with abnormal aetiology. In general these types present a gene mutation and some grade of inheritance. We can mention MODY (Maturity onset diabetes of the young) and GDM (Gestational diabetes). (MODY) is a rare form of diabetes that runs strongly in families. It is caused by an inherited genetic defect, an autosomal inheritance (3 generations of the same family affected) of the insulin-producing cells. After the Type 1 diabetes it is the most frequency type within infants. GDM is first developed during pregnancy, usually appears in mid-pregnancy. The body cannot produce or use enough insulin. It is of very high risk for the pregnancy, so it needs to be controlled. Gestational diabetes can be controlled with a healthy diet and regular exercise, but sometimes the mother will also need insulin. 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